Usage: budo index.js [opts] -- [browserify opts] Options: --help, -h show help message --version show version --port, -p the port to run, default 9966 --host, -H the host, default internal IP (localhost) --dir, -d a path, or array of paths for base static content --serve, -s override the bundle path being served --live, -l enable default LiveReload integration --live-port, -L the LiveReload port, default 35729 --open, -o launch the browser once connected --pushstate, -P always render the index page instead of a 404 page --base set the base path for the generated HTML, default to '/' --onupdate a shell command to trigger on bundle update --poll=N use polling for file watch, with optional interval N --title optional title for default index.html --css optional stylesheet href for default index.html --ssl, -S create an HTTPS server instead of HTTP --cert, -C the cert for SSL (default cert.pem) --key, -K the key for SSL (default key.pem) --cors set header to use CORS (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) --ndjson print ndjson instead of pretty-printed logs --verbose, -v also include debug messages --force-default-index always serve a generated index.html instead of a static one --no-stream do not print messages to stdout --no-debug do not use inline source maps --no-portfind will not attempt auto-portfinding --no-error-handler disable default DOM error handling --watch-glob, --wg glob(s) to watch for reloads, default '**/*.{html,css}'