{% include anchor.html edit="true" title="Create a database" hash="create_database" %} {% highlight js %} new PouchDB([name], [options]) {% endhighlight %} This method creates a database or opens an existing one. If you use a URL like `'http://domain.com/dbname'`, then PouchDB will work as a client to an online CouchDB instance. Otherwise it will create a local database using [whatever backend is present](/adapters.html). ### Options * `name`: You can omit the `name` argument and specify it via `options` instead. Note that the name is required. **Options for local databases:** * `auto_compaction`: This turns on auto compaction, which means `compact()` is called after every change to the database. Defaults to `false`. * `adapter`: One of `'idb'`, `'leveldb'`, `'websql'`, or `'http'`. If unspecified, PouchDB will infer this automatically, preferring IndexedDB to WebSQL in browsers that support both (i.e. Chrome, Opera and Android 4.4+). * `revs_limit`: Specify how many old revisions we keep track (not a copy) of. Specifying a low value means Pouch may not be able to figure out whether a new revision received via replication is related to any it currently has which could result in a conflict. Defaults to `1000`. **Options for remote databases:** * `ajax`: (Remote databases only.) Ajax requester options. For instance, passing in the options `{ajax: {timeout: 10000}}` will allow you to set the max timeout for an HTTP request. These are passed verbatim to [request][] (in Node.js) or [a request shim](https://github.com/pouchdb/pouchdb/blob/master/lib/deps/request-browser.js) (in the browser), with the exception of: * `ajax.cache`: Appends a random string to the end of all HTTP GET requests to avoid them being cached on IE. Set this to `true` to prevent this happening. * `ajax.headers`: The `ajax.headers` option allows you to customise headers that are sent to the remote HTTP Server. * `auth.username` + `auth.password`: You can specify HTTP auth parameters either by using a database with a name in the form `http://user:pass@host/name` or via the `auth.username` + `auth.password` options. * `ajax.withCredentials`: Set to `false` to disable transferring cookies or [HTTP Auth information](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS#Requests_with_credentials). Defaults to `true`. * `skip_setup`: Initially PouchDB checks if the database exists, and tries to create it, if it does not exist yet. Set this to `true` to skip this setup. **IndexedDB-only options:** * `storage`: Specifies whether you want to use `persistent` or `temporary` storage. This non-standard feature has been supported in Firefox since version 26. Find out more about the available storage types, and how Firefox handles client-side data storage, at [Browser storage limits and eviction criteria](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API/Browser_storage_limits_and_eviction_criteria). **WebSQL-only options:** * `size`: Amount in MB to request for storage, which you will need if you are storing >5MB in order to [avoid storage limit errors on iOS/Safari](/errors.html#not_enough_space). Persistent views use a separate database per view which will also request storage space so keep in mind the upper storage limits when using persistent views on iOS. **Notes:** 1. In IndexedDB and WebSQL, PouchDB will use `_pouch_` to prefix the internal database names. Do not manually create databases with the same prefix. 2. When acting as a client on Node, any other options given will be passed to [request][]. 3. When using the `'leveldb'` adapter (the default on Node), any other options given will be passed to [levelup][]. [request]: https://github.com/mikeal/request [levelup]: https://github.com/rvagg/node-levelup [levelup_options]: https://github.com/rvagg/node-levelup/#options #### Example Usage: {% highlight js %} var db = new PouchDB('dbname'); // or var db = new PouchDB('http://localhost:5984/dbname'); {% endhighlight %} Create a PouchDB that explicitly uses WebSQL: {% highlight js %} var db = new PouchDB('dbname', {adapter : 'websql'}); {% endhighlight %} Create an in-memory Pouch (must install `pouchdb-adapter-memory` first): {% highlight js %} var db = new PouchDB('dbname', {adapter: 'memory'}); {% endhighlight %} Create a remote PouchDB with special Ajax options: {% highlight js %} var db = new PouchDB('http://example.com/dbname', { ajax: { cache: false, timeout: 10000, headers: { 'X-Some-Special-Header': 'foo' }, }, auth: { username: 'mysecretusername', password: 'mysecretpassword' } }); {% endhighlight %} For more info, check out [adapters](/adapters.html).