{% include anchor.html edit="true" title="Get database information" hash="database_information" %} {% highlight js %} db.info([callback]) {% endhighlight %} Get information about a database. #### Example Usage: {% include code/start.html id="dbinfo" type="callback" %} {% highlight js %} db.info(function(err, info) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } // handle result }); {% endhighlight %} {% include code/end.html %} {% include code/start.html id="dbinfo" type="async" %} {% highlight js %} try { var result = await db.info(); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } {% endhighlight %} {% include code/end.html %} {% include code/start.html id="dbinfo" type="promise" %} {% highlight js %} db.info().then(function (result) { // handle result }).catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); {% endhighlight %} {% include code/end.html %} #### Example Response: {% highlight js %} { "db_name": "test", "doc_count": 4, "update_seq": 5 } {% endhighlight %} **Response object:** * `db_name` is the name of the database you gave when you called `new PouchDB()`, and also the unique identifier for the database. * `doc_count` is the total number of non-deleted documents in the database. * `update_seq` is the sequence number of the database. It starts at 0 and gets incremented every time a document is added or modified. There are also some details you can use for debugging. These are unofficial and may change at any time: * `adapter`: The name of the adapter being used (idb, websql, leveldb, ...). * `idb_attachment_format`: (IndexedDB) either `'base64'` or `'binary'`, depending on whether the browser [supports binary blobs](/faq.html#data_types). * `sqlite_plugin`: (WebSQL) true if the [SQLite Plugin][] is being used. * `websql_encoding`: (WebSQL) either `'UTF-8'` or `'UTF-16'`, depending on the [WebSQL implementation](http://pouchdb.com/faq.html#data_types) * `backend_adapter`: (Node.JS) the backend *DOWN adapter being used (MemDOWN, RiakDOWN, ...).