{% include anchor.html edit="true" title="Debug mode" hash="debug_mode" %} PouchDB uses the [debug](https://www.npmjs.org/package/debug) module for fine-grained debug output. To enable debug mode, just call: {% highlight js %} PouchDB.debug.enable('*'); {% endhighlight %} In your browser console, you should then see something like this: {% include img.html src="debug_mode.png" alt="Coloured Log Output" %} In Node.js, you can also set a command-line flag: {% highlight bash %} DEBUG=pouchdb:* node myscript.js {% endhighlight %} You can also enable debugging of specific modules. Currently we only have `pouchb:api` (API-level calls) and `pouchdb:http` (HTTP requests): {% highlight js %} PouchDB.debug.enable('pouchdb:api'); // or PouchDB.debug.enable('pouchdb:http'); {% endhighlight %} These settings are saved to the browser's LocalStorage. So to disable them, you must call: {% highlight js %} PouchDB.debug.disable(); {% endhighlight %} Your users won't see debug output unless you explicitly call `PouchDB.debug.enable()` within your application code.