{% include anchor.html edit="true" title="Document revisions diff" hash="revisions_diff" %} {% highlight js %} db.revsDiff(diff, [callback]) {% endhighlight %} Given a set of document/revision IDs, returns the subset of those that do not correspond to revisions stored in the database. Primarily used in replication. #### Example Usage: {% include code/start.html id="revsdiff1" type="callback" %} {% highlight js %} db.revsDiff({ myDoc1: [ "1-b2e54331db828310f3c772d6e042ac9c", "2-3a24009a9525bde9e4bfa8a99046b00d" ] }, function (err, result) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } // handle result }); {% endhighlight %} {% include code/end.html %} {% include code/start.html id="revsdiff1" type="async" %} {% highlight js %} try { var result = await db.revsDiff({ myDoc1: [ "1-b2e54331db828310f3c772d6e042ac9c", "2-3a24009a9525bde9e4bfa8a99046b00d" ] }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } {% endhighlight %} {% include code/end.html %} {% include code/start.html id="revsdiff1" type="promise" %} {% highlight js %} db.revsDiff({ myDoc1: [ "1-b2e54331db828310f3c772d6e042ac9c", "2-3a24009a9525bde9e4bfa8a99046b00d" ] }).then(function (result) { // handle result }).catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); {% endhighlight %} {% include code/end.html %} #### Example Response: {% highlight js %} { "myDoc1": { "missing": ["2-3a24009a9525bde9e4bfa8a99046b00d"] } } {% endhighlight %}