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Class InitializationError

Defined in: jsv.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
InitializationError(instance, schema, attr, message, details)
The exception that is thrown when a schema fails to be created.
Class Detail
InitializationError(instance, schema, attr, message, details)
The exception that is thrown when a schema fails to be created.
{JSONInstance|String} instance
The instance (or instance URI) that is invalid
{JSONSchema|String} schema
The schema (or schema URI) that was validating the instance
{String} attr
The attribute that failed to validated
{String} message
A user-friendly message on why the schema attribute failed to validate the instance
{Any} details
The value of the schema attribute

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Sep 14 2011 18:53:24 GMT-0600 (MDT)